Sunday 15 January 2012

Where my journey begins

Hi everyone my name is Samantha and I am 26 with 2 children DS almost 4 and DD almost 2, I am 5ft9 1/2 and currently weigh in at 11st 1.5lb. To others I look fairly slim and people think I do not need to lose weight but as I know I do need to. Being tall is very good at hiding the extra weight but when I look at photos of me after my first child I look so different this was surprisingly the smallest I had ever been I weighed around 10st 4lb and felt great since having my second I have held on to excess weight and it tends to all sit on my knees thighs and hips. I am a stay at home mum and find little time to get to the gym so never go and eat several bars of chocolates day amongst other rubbish food nachos ice cream and lots of white bread and pasta. I finally decided to sort my bad eating out by joining slimming world and went to my first meeting last Thurs and I must say wow the eating plan is soon easy I have not cheated once, I thought it would be so hard to not snack on chocolate every day but it has been surprisingly easy as the plan gives you so much other food to fill up on. I have my first weigh in next Thurs and am very nervous to see what I have lost ( just hoping I actually have lost something) but to go from so much bad food to all healthy I have to have lost something surely. I have also started the 30 day shred workout DVD by julien micheals as it is only 20 min in length so easily fits into my day. My target weight is 10 st. I will uploading photos of my progress and invite you to post as well so we can all motivate each other and see how we are progressing. Good luck I just hope this journey isn't a long one